tonybreed: a blog

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Keeping us tried and true

Finn and Charlie is up

Joni Mitchell sang, "We don't need no piece of paper from the city hall / keeping us tried and true," and in a way, it's true for all gay and lesbian couples, like Finn and Charlie. The real marriage is in the relationship, and the acknowledgement of family and friends that you are indeed a committed couple. But at the same time, that piece of paper comes with numerous tangible benefits. To me though, it's not even about the benefits; it's about some kind of official recognition. I've gone a long time without it, and many others have gone even longer.

And now that you've read my spiel, please go and sign this petition at the HRC website. Thank you.


posted by Tony at 11:49 PM


Blogger Juliet said...

Sounds like a great excuse for a California vacation!

Over ten years for you guys, and our 10th is next week. Wow. My we are all getting old :)

6/25/2008 8:48 AM

Blogger Eric Tschetter said...

Ah! You might be getting older, but I'm definitely getting younger. Or at least less mature. Strangely enough, though, we do already have plane tickets and a hotel room for San Francisco in September...

6/27/2008 5:47 PM

Blogger Dave said...

10+ years is a pretty long time, it's about time you get a piece of paper :)

And heck, if you're already going to San Fran, you're really out of excuses. Go for it :)

7/08/2008 3:54 PM


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