tonybreed: a blog

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Goodbye Little Ernie

Ernie died last night in his sleep. We thought he might. He was so sick, so weak, so unhappy that we'd actually made an appointment to have him put to sleep this morning. I'm glad he died on his own, though.

We spent an hour or so with him last night, stroking him and talking to him. I held his head in my hand, which he always liked. I kissed him on the head and said goodnight. We both cried a lot. This hurts so much more than I thought it would, and I knew it would hurt.

This isn't the best picture of him, but it's sweet, and recent.


posted by Tony at 6:47 AM


Blogger gems and purls said...

Oh I'm so sorry. One of my cats is getting old, and I fear the day.

8/21/2007 12:48 PM


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