tonybreed: a blog

Saturday, October 29, 2005

Worky Worky, Launchy Launchy

Work should ease up a bit since last night we launched a new website that we had been working on for a month or so. The design is not mine — it's more or less a collaboration between the consultants we hired and our company's graphic designer. The code is also not mine per se, since it was done by my employee Michelle. For this project I was very much the project manager, and so I take pride in the fact the the job was done on time, everything works, and includes all the functions we intended for this release. The schedule was extremely ambitious, and we made it.

And now I can go home at a more reasonable time every day. (Theoretically.) Just in time for the end of daylight savings time — I can leave earlier and it'll be dark earlier.

Well for anyone who wants to see the site, it's at Enjoy!


posted by Tony at 11:53 AM | 0 comments

Thursday, October 27, 2005

A Poster for Amram

My first real poster for WLUW has just been complete. And by "real" I mean "not real", because it's really just an 8 1/2" x 11" flyer that'll be photocopied and distributed. So it's black and white instead of 2-, 3-, or 4-color, and smaller than a real poster... but the feedback has been good and I'm quite happy with it.


posted by Tony at 3:10 PM | 3 comments


Is anyone else amused by the subject lines of spam emails? I received one today marked "RE: author be hoopla see".

Dada has a new home on the internet.


posted by Tony at 10:56 AM | 0 comments

Friday, October 21, 2005

Business is Busy

We are in the final stretches of a web site release at work, which has kept me extremely busy, and left me with little free time. What time I do have has been spent on volunteering at WLUW and watching the TV show Firefly on DVD.

Also, until last week I was reading the rather epic Jonathan Strange and Mr Norrell, which was quite good. I finished it Thursday in a late night reading marathon — you know that feeling when you realize you aren't going to put the book down and go to sleep, you'll just keep reading till you finish? That was me last week. Only where usually I get that feeling with about an hour of reading left to do, this time it took me two hours to finish the book. So I didn't get much sleep, and then dreamt about magic and Georgian England.


posted by Tony at 2:28 PM | 0 comments

Monday, October 03, 2005

Think Pink Poster

I volunteered at WLUW, a local community radio station that's pretty cool. I expect the thrust of my volunteering for them to be in design, at least for the time being.

I've been to one meeting, after which I spoke with the woman in charge of marketing. She said they wanted to make posters for two shows, Think Pink and the Woman on Woman Music Hour, and put posters up in Boystown and similar locals. (Think Pink is a show that describes itself sometimes as "LGBT Music" and sometimes as "Queer Music"; neither are terms I especially like, but it's not up to me. In any event it's generally a good show. The Woman on Woman Music Hour is I thnk intended as a Feminist music show more than a Lesbian music show, but it's kind of both.)

So I took it upon myself to brainstorm and put something together to propose, mainly to demonstrate my interest and commitment. I had an idea for Think Pink which uses a cartoon of my characters Finn and Charlie from Hitched (who now sport large saucer-like eyes for better conveyance of emotion). So anyway, here's my poster, we'll see how it goes:


posted by Tony at 9:25 PM | 0 comments


My Photo

Rather than reading my blog, which is boring and never gets updated anymore, may I suggest you read my comic, which is at

I am officially no longer a DJ at WLUW. Long story.

However, the Chicago Independent Radio Project will have a webcast soon, and I'll be a part of that. And we can still talk about music... leave me a comment if there's something on your mind.

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