tonybreed: a blog

Friday, October 21, 2005

Business is Busy

We are in the final stretches of a web site release at work, which has kept me extremely busy, and left me with little free time. What time I do have has been spent on volunteering at WLUW and watching the TV show Firefly on DVD.

Also, until last week I was reading the rather epic Jonathan Strange and Mr Norrell, which was quite good. I finished it Thursday in a late night reading marathon — you know that feeling when you realize you aren't going to put the book down and go to sleep, you'll just keep reading till you finish? That was me last week. Only where usually I get that feeling with about an hour of reading left to do, this time it took me two hours to finish the book. So I didn't get much sleep, and then dreamt about magic and Georgian England.


posted by Tony at 2:28 PM


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