tonybreed: a blog

Tuesday, March 29, 2005

First bike commute of the year

I had my first bike ride to work this morning, and it was wonderful. I'd heard the weather was supposed to be good (high of 65) so I decided it was time to bike again. In the morning it was sunny and mild (not in the 60's but not cold), perfect weather for a bike ride.

The trees have not begun to bud yet, so I saw more of the river than I usually do (I bike up a path next to the river; the slope between the park and the river is overgrown with trees and shrubs).

The city is expanding the bike paths, connecting the two paths I take so I won't have to leave the path for a solid 5.25 miles in the middle of the commute. Currently I have about 3 blocks in the middle where I'm back on city streets or cutting through a strip mall parking lot. I can see where the new path will be, and it's already laid with gravel, but there's no asphalt and it's not open yet. I'm sure it'll be open in a month or so.

There are spots on the northern stretch of path that are being redone now, leaving me with a choice between biking over gravel or biking on the very soft turf beside it. Both are irritating options.

Now it's time for me to head back. It's much less sunny than it was this morning, which is too bad -- but it's not entirely grey, the sun hasn't set yet, and it's not cold. Most importantly, I get to spend some time outdoors, which feels really good.


posted by Tony at 7:00 PM | 0 comments

Wednesday, March 23, 2005

Books and movies

Finished White Teeth and then went to see Walk on Water at the Music Box. Both were very good and I recommend them.

In a way they are similar... but in another, more accurate way, they are very different from each other.


posted by Tony at 5:18 PM | 0 comments

More dreams about buildings and food...

I dreamt I was walking through the airport carrying a sandwich I'd bought before coming to the airport. The airport was, however, full of sandwich stands selling much better sandwiches than the one I was carrying. I thought, if only I'd known!

A manager from Marketing was working at one of them, and she offered me free vegetables -- she took my sandwich and stuffed more lettuce and tomatoes in it, to supplement what was already there. The tomatoes were beautiful heirloom tomatoes, thinly sliced, as were the tomatoes already in the sandwich, though not quite as ripe and beautiful.


posted by Tony at 12:48 PM | 0 comments

Tuesday, March 22, 2005

Is there anything more exciting than the approach of Spring?

Yes, but none of those things will be happening to me soon, as far as I know, whereas I'm pretty sure Spring is coming.

Reading White Teeth these days; nearly done. Great book.

Listening to Sufjan Stevens... a minute ago it was "I feel Pretty" from West Side Story... and therein lies the fun of the iPod's "shuffle" feature.


posted by Tony at 7:00 PM | 0 comments


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I am officially no longer a DJ at WLUW. Long story.

However, the Chicago Independent Radio Project will have a webcast soon, and I'll be a part of that. And we can still talk about music... leave me a comment if there's something on your mind.

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