tonybreed: a blog

Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Wasting time

I have a Facebook account, and the truly odd thing about it is the way old friends keep turning up... sometimes people I haven't thought about in years.

Anyway, there's a new Finn and Charlie cartoon up now.


posted by Tony at 11:48 PM


Blogger gems and purls said...

I can't bring myself to do the facebook. I don't want to be easily findable by people who haven't made the effort so far.

3/05/2008 1:40 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

No kindergarten buddies yet. However, I was befriended by my best-friend-turned-arch-enemy from sixth grade, and virtually my entrie 8th grade class (not as impressive as it seems - there were only 35 of them) none of whom particularly liked me. They are now reminding me frequently that our 8th grade class reunion (?!) is forthcoming. However, the great part of this is that my unrequited crush from back then commented on a photo of mine that he was "hot for teacher". I assume this is a compliment...

3/07/2008 9:43 PM

Blogger Tony said...

Ha! That's awesome. Mostly I'm finding high school friends.

3/08/2008 10:13 AM


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