tonybreed: a blog

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Listen to your yenta!

Once again, another weekly installment of Finn and Charlie are Hitched.

Do you ever flip through the back of the in-flight magazine? There are always these ads for professional matchmaking services... there's one, in particular, that makes me think, should I really trust your judgment in finding me a mate if you thought it was a good idea to wear that blouse?


posted by Tony at 11:26 PM


Blogger gems and purls said...

Oy vey, I've been describing myself as a yenta lately.

3/26/2008 12:05 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Actually, in Yiddish, yenta does not mean matchmaker, it means a busybody or gossip.

3/27/2008 4:38 PM

Blogger Tony said...

Dammit! I think in the back of my mind I knew that... this is what I get for not doing any research.

Now I have to decide if I should go back and edit the joke... which I did when I misspelled "eunuch", but this is kind of different.

3/27/2008 4:43 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

You can use "yente" to mean matchmaker, though. In that case you'd be referring to the character in Fiddler on the Roof.

3/29/2008 12:08 AM

Blogger gems and purls said...

And yeah, I meant busybody. Found myself saying to my neighbors, "You kids are getting married! I'm so happy!" and realized I sounded a lot like my dear Aunt Jennie.

3/31/2008 12:25 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

The electronic matchmaking gadget in Shortbus is also called a "Yenta."

5/27/2008 9:56 AM


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