Ring ring ring...
This is one of the funniest things I've read in a while.
Labels: neat stuff
posted by Tony at 11:36 PM | 0 comments
This is one of the funniest things I've read in a while.
Labels: neat stuff
posted by Tony at 11:36 PM | 0 comments
Friday morning I was walking past the small post-war modern townhouses down the street from us. They all have big picture windows on the street, and as I walked past one I noticed that had no curtains. I was dark inside, and all I could see was that right in front of the window, in the middle, was a neatly fold American flag on a small wooden chest. The flag was folded in the traditional triangle fashion. I thought, this is probably the home of someone who's lost someone in the war in Iraq, or possibly Afghanistan, and this is the flag that had been draped over the coffin.
Labels: drawings, journal, personal
posted by Tony at 11:14 PM | 0 comments
It was maybe 10 years ago that Eric and I took a trip to New Orleans... it was a great time and a beautiful city, and we learned that the best way to heat up pecan pie is on a hot griddle with a ladle of melted butter on top. I've been thinking about that trip a lot lately, trying to reconcile the city I visited with the general civil collapse that has come out of the recent natural disaster.
posted by Tony at 10:59 PM | 0 comments
Rather than reading my blog, which is boring and never gets updated anymore, may I suggest you read my comic, which is at hitchedcomic.com
I am officially no longer a DJ at WLUW. Long story.
However, the Chicago Independent Radio Project will have a webcast soon, and I'll be a part of that. And we can still talk about music... leave me a comment if there's something on your mind.
This blog is hosted by Blogger, but all the images, plus the rest of my personal and professional sites, is hosted by ULTRAsurge.com. They have very cheap rates available for sites like this one, that have low-bandwidth needs.