tonybreed: a blog

Saturday, February 24, 2007

Key West T-Shirt Shops

Key West is a tropical paradise, with fresh fish, beaches, and good cultural events at ones fingertips. It's also a tourist destination with numerous t-shirt shops selling the most bizarrely obnoxious t-shirts you can imagine. Some are offensive and others are just stupid, but all of them make me wonder, who is it who buys these t-shirts?

This was my comment to Eric:
I wonder if I could make money selling t-shirts that say "I'm a jackass and a bought this t-shirt to prove it"?

T-shirts aside, it was a good trip. I really needed that trip. It makes it easier to deal with tonight's winter storm. (As winter storms go, it's no so bad so far.)

It's been a while since last I drew a picture for my blog... enjoy! Oh, and if anyone reading this would buy this t-shirt, please let me know in the comments. I'll make it. You bet.

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posted by Tony at 9:16 PM


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