tonybreed: a blog

Friday, April 15, 2005

Biking to work

I biked to work yesterday. It was a little nippy and my knee hurts, but it was generally very nice. (The ride home was nicer — warmer weather, and the wind was at my back.)

Trees are budding — willows and shrubs are leading the pack there — and magnolias and forsythia are in blooms. Plus I saw birds... in addition to the usual sparrows, gull, robins, and grackle, I saw a cardinal, a woodpecker, a big shiny crow, a mourning dove, and a momma duck with a single duckling. The duckling was adorable, though I couldn't help spinning tails of woe in my mind to explain why there was only one duckling in the brood.

The mourning dove was next to the path hanging out with a couple of robins. As my bike approached, the robins took off, while the mourning dove stood its ground, staring at me and faintly quaking.


posted by Tony at 3:59 PM


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